How I Beat Monday Blues

//How I Beat Monday Blues

How I Beat Monday Blues

It goes without saying that for most people, Mondays are the bane of their existence. And this rings true for athletes as well!

And while some athletes train seven days a week, I train at least six days a week and take Sundays off.

When Monday rolls around, getting up early in the morning is extremely difficult. But over time, I’ve set a routine for myself and have figured out some ways to beat the Monday blues.

A lot of fans ask me how I tackle fatigue in the morning. Here’s what I do:

I Go to Bed Early

You know the saying, “Early to bed and early to rise…”? There’s nothing truer!

I go to bed early on Sundays. I make sure to spend the whole day with family, without any distractions. I switch my phone to “airplane mode” and enjoy my day with my beautiful wife and daughter.

Then, I go to bed after dinner. I try to get at least eight hours of sleep every day. I have to wake up early in the morning so I wrap up everything in the evening.

I Keep My Monday Schedule Light  

Training on Mondays is tough, so I make sure to start slow. I wake up early, but don’t start an intense workout immediately.

I make sure to keep my schedule light. If I’m working out in the gym on Mondays, I’ll avoid running for miles in the morning—I’ll jog instead.

You need a day to unwind and starting slow on Monday is the best way to make sure you don’t burn yourself out.

I Have a Post-Workout Plan Picture2 - How I Beat Monday Blues

I don’t plan my Mondays to just “get through” the day. I make sure to plan them properly. If I’m working out all morning, I’ll make sure to treat myself to a good meal in the evening with my family.

We’ll go somewhere and spend time together. Honestly, there’s no better way to spend the day unwinding than by spending it with the people you love the most. Sometimes, I’ll go hang out with a friend or play video games.

There are also times when I spend time by myself. Having “me-time” is important because I can unwind at my own pace.

My journey hasn’t been easy. It’s been difficult. But I won’t give up or give in. I plan to win a gold medal in the Beijing Olympics 2022. If you want to learn more about me or who I am as an athlete, you can follow my journey here.

By |2019-11-13T08:30:32+00:00November 15th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

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